Sunday, March 27, 2016

Red Letters Part 8: It Is Finished

“He is Risen!” What powerful words the Angel spoke that very first Easter Sunday!

But before we get there, I want us to take a few minutes and focus on three red letter words that set the stage for those words as well as so much of what our faith rests on!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Messiah in the Passover - Travis Snow, Chosen People Ministries

There really is no other clearer presentation of the Gospel in the Old Testament than the Jewish Passover.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Red Letters Part 7: But As You Will

I am passionate about Christ and following Him, because of His work of passion on the cross!

We should be a people of passion! But what does it mean to be a people of the Passion?

Looking towards Easter, we are going fast forward our Red Letter series and explore some of the of words of Jesus as His Passion on the cross was fast approaching!